Clinical Research (CR)

Business Contents

In order to achieve high-quality clinical research, developing better research designs with the FINER (Feasibility, Interest, Novel, Ethic, and Relevance) philosophy in mind during the planning stage is essential. Our CR division supports developing research planning which fulfills the FINER objectives by providing assistance from our professional advising team, which includes clinical doctors with abundant experience in clinical research, as well as medical statisticians. In the real world, human resources, time, and funding that can be invested in clinical research are limited. We, therefore, provide solutions that meet your objectives and needs throughout the process of planning, implementing, and reporting on your research, keeping in mind the resources you have available.


Our CR division provides a full range of support in implementation of and consultations on clinical research studies, covering clinical trials, epidemiological studies, and survey studies. Services include:

  • Study proposal, planning, and implementation
  • Study office operations
  • Central data monitoring
  • Data management
  • Statistical analysis
  • Reporting
  • Development of electronic data capture (EDC) and treatment allocation systems

Questionnaire development for assessing quality of life (QOL), patient satisfaction etc.

  • Questionnaire development, including translated versions
  • Validity and reliability assessments of questionnaires

R&D Solution

  • Support in designing, proposing, and/or conducting development research of medical supply, medical devices, assistant device technology health appliances and functional foods creating high-value in the healthcare field
  • Support for developing teams and human resources to enable research and development in the areas stated above


As of Jun. 30, 2024

[Clinical research] Number of projects contracted

[Clinical research] Contracts by area

Questionnaire development



R&D Solution

  • 2012 Project (subsidized by the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry)
  • 2012 Project (commissioned by the Gifu Research & Development Foundation)
  • 2012 Project (commissioned by the City of Nagoya)
  • 2011 Project (subsidized by the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry)
  • 2011 Project (commissioned by the Mie Prefectural Government)
  • 2010 Project (commissioned by the Chubu Bureau of Economy, Trade, and Industry)